Recent public and social service engagements of ACD Directors and Fellows
9โ13 September 2023 | Bumthang, Bhutan: WORKSHOP on Developing methodologies for the valuation of ecosystem services
Dr. A K Enamul Haque was extended an invitation by the Ugyen Wangchuck Institute for Forest Research and Training (UWIFoRT), Department of Forests and Park Services (DOFPS), Ministry of Energy and Natural Resources, Bumthang, Bhutan, along with Bhutan for Life (BFL) and the International Centre for Integrated Mountain Development (ICIMOD). The purpose of the invitation was to provide training to government officers from various Bhutanese departments, including the Department of Parks and Forests, Department of Energy, Department of Statistics, and others, focusing on the Valuation of Ecosystem Services. This initiative was orchestrated by a team of experts comprising Dr. Subhrendu Patnayak from Duke University, Dr. A K Enamul Haque from East West University, Dr. Pranab Mukhapadhaya from Goa University, and Dr. Mani Nepal from SANDEE. The leadership for this endeavor was provided by the South Asian Network for Development and Environmental Economics (SANDEE). [workshop report]
28-29 August 2023: Dr A K Enamul Haque was elected as the Director of AAERE for two years
Dr. A K Enamul Haque was appointed as the Director of AAERE, serving a two-year term. Additionally, during the AAERE Conference in Tokyo, Japan, Dr. Haque presented as a panel speaker on Climate Change, Migration, and Human Trafficking. His insights were drawn from extensive research conducted in collaboration with Dr. A M Tanvir Hussain and Asiya Siddica of East West University. Furthermore, Dr. Haque was elected as a member of the Board of Directors for AAERE, serving from 2023 to 2025.
3-7 April, 2023: Research and Writing Workshop on Environmental and Resource Economics, AIT Bangkok
The South Asian Network for Development and Environmental Economics (SANDEE) โ International
Centre for Integrated Mountain Development (ICIMOD), Duke University (DU), and Innovations for Poverty Action Myanmar (IPA) are jointly organizing a Research and Proposal Writing Workshop on Environmental and Natural Resource Economics from 03 to 07 April 2023 at the Asian Institute of Technology Conference Center (AITCC), Thailand.
The Regional Resource Centre for Asia and the Pacific (RRC.AP), a multi-disciplinary and semi-
autonomous regional knowledge centre of AIT, provides the event organizing services for this event. We, therefore cordially invite you to Asian Institute of Technology from 02 to 08 April 2023 to attend this in-
person workshop as a Resource Person. Other resource persons include: a) Dr Mani Nepal from SANDEE, b) Dr Pranab Mukhapadhay from Goa University, and c) Dr. Subhrendu Patnayak from Duke University.
21 November 2022: Interview with Daily Star on Rise in Bulk Electricity Price
October 22-24, 2021:BRAC BCDM, Rajendrapur
Hands-on training on Environmental Data Analysis and Loss and Damage assessment for informed decision-making
The Department of Environment (DoE) in collaboration with the FAO with funding from GEF organized training to strengthen the capacity for monitoring organized this training for government officers in the Ministry of Agriculture, Ministry of Planning, Ministry of Environment, Forest and Climate Change, Ministry of Industries, etc. The training focused on learning STATA to handle enviromental and climate data. Professor Dr Abdus Salam Akanda, (Statistics DU), Dr. A K Enamul Haque (ACD/EWU) and Dr Syed Mortuza Asif Ehsan (NSU) were the resource persons for the training.
July 5, 2021: Channel S – Banking, Economy, and Covid 19
Interview on Channel S on the State of Bangladesh Economy during Covid Lockdown
Asia Marketing Day Seminar – Another Bangladesh Miracle?
Dr A K Enamul Haque was invited to speak on the future of marketing in the post-COVID world as a South Asia Caucus speaker at the Asia Marketing Day of 2021 on May 27 2021. The was also the birthday of the Marketing Guru Prof Kotler and so the Asian Marketing Federation celebrated his 90th Birthday on this occasion. Speakers from Sri Lanka, Nepal and Bangladesh were invited in the South Asia Caucus.
January 23, 2021: ONLINE ZOOMINAR
CPD’s Seminar on COVID and vulnerability of the RMG Sector
Dr. Haque was invited to be a panel speaker on the CPD’s seminar on their research on Resilience and vulnerability of the Ready Made Garment Sectors of Bangladesh amidst the pandemic.
January 19, 2021: ZOOMINAR
BIBM Research Seminar on โLiability Management, Loan Pricing and Profitability in Banksโ
Dr A.K. Enamul Haque was invited to speak as a discussant at the Bangladesh Institute of Bank Management’s research seminar on Liability Management and Profitability of Banks in Bangladesh. Dr. Aktheruzzaman, DG BIBM, Professor Barkat e Khoda, MD of the Islam Bank Bangladesh Limitd, Krishi Bank also spoke at the seminar.
November 21-22, 2020; Zoom
Judging Panel of the Asian Marketing Federation
Dr. A.K. Enamul Haque attended the Annual Award Competition for selection of the Marketing Company of the Year 2020 and the Marketing 3.0 winners in Asia as a Judging Panel member. The other judges are from Thailand, Japan, Korea, Sri Lanka, Philippines, and Indonesia. The second part of the award included selection of the best individual Marketers from Asia in the categories of Youth, Women and Netizen Categories.
June 21, 2020: Webinar
Workshop on Innovation in Public Services at NAPD
The National Academy for Planning and Development (NAPD) organized an online workshop (using ZOOM) on Innovation and Public Services at NAPD from 21-22 June 2020. Dr. A.K. Enamul Haque was the Special Guest at the inaugural session of the program.
June 17, 2020:Dhaka
Discussion on Budget by RIGHT TO FOOD
Right to Food – organized a discussion on the Budget of the Government of Bangladesh and its implication on the social security budget. Dr. A.K. Enamul Haque (ACD and EWU), Dr. Nazneen Ahmed (BIDS), and Dr. Bidisha Haque (DU) were the kee discussants. Dr. Q K Ahmad (Chairperson, PKSF) was the Chair at the discussion. Mr. Mohsina Ali (Right to Food) presented the keynote paper.
January 11-12, 2020:Dhaka
Meghna Advisory Services Meeting
Dr. A.K. Enamul Haque attended the Meghna Advisory Panel Discussion meeting in Dhaka organized by the IUCN, Regional Office Bangkok. Researchers from IUCN, Oxfam, IEG (India), and EWU attended the meet. Ms. Ummey Marzana and Ms. Sarah Enamul Haque of the Department of Economics attended the meeting.
25 November, 2019: Sylhet
Lecture on Economic and Financial Analysis of Development Projects
Dr. A.K. Enamul Haque was invited to train senior government officials on Economic and Financial Analysis of Development Project organized by the National Academy for Development Administration (NADA). Government officials from the several ministries attended the 5-day training program. NADA organized the a training program on “Financial and Economic Appraisal of Development Projects”. Syed Kamruzzaman, Project Director of NADA Project organized the training.
November 7, 2019
DU ECA Invited Dr. Enamul Haque to give an inspirational lecture
The Economics Career Alliance Club of the Department of Economics of Dhaka University organized a weeklong program to inspire students of Economics in their carrier. As a part of the program on November 7, 2019 Principal Niloufer Manzur (Sunbeams School), Mr. Mahfuz Anam (Daily Star), Dr. A.K. Enamul Haque (EWU/ACD) and Dr. Minhaj Mahmud (BIDS) gave the inspirational speeches to the students.
May 7, 2019: Dhaka
National Advocacy Meeting on BBIN – Motor Vehicle Agreement
A National Advocacy meeting on Bangladesh-Bhutan-India-Nepal Motor vehicle agreement was held Dhaka organized by Unnayan Shamannay and CUTS- International. The meeting discussed on strategies to ensure stakeholder buy-in for the MVA agreement. Dr. A.K. Enamul Haque chaired the open discussion session in the meeting while Dr. Atiur Rahman initiated the discussion.
April 11, 2019: The Planning Commission
Training on Developing Logical Framework Matrix for Planners
Dr. A.K. Enamul Haque was invited by the Agriculture, Water Resources and Rural Institution Divison of the Planning Commission to give a training on the use of logical framework analysis in project design for officers of the Divison as a part of their course on Project Formulation and Implementation.
April 7, 2019: Bangladesh Power Management Institute, Dhaka
BPMI Training on Financial and Economic Analysis of Development Project
Dr. A.K. Enamul Haque was invited to deliver lectures on ” Macro-Economic Issues in Economic appraisal:
Economic Cost Benefit Analysis (ECBA/SCBA)” and on Economic Valuation: From Market Price to Shadow prices, Externalities, and What-if Analysis and calculation of NPV, BCR and IRR” as a part of their training on Financial and Economic Analysis of Development Projects on April 7, 201 held at the Bidyut Bhaban, Dhaka. The training is organized by the Bangladesh Power Management Institute, an agency of the Ministry of Power, Energy and Mineral Resources.
April 3, 2019: The Planning Commission, Dhaka
Lecture on Cost Benefit Analysis at NADA
Dr. A.K. Enamul Haque was invited at the newly established National Academy for Development Administration (NADA) to lecture in their 2-days training programme on โProject Appraisalโ for the Senior Officer (Jt. Secretary/Joint Chief or Higher Level) form 06-07 January 2019 at Bangladesh Planning Commission Campus (Building#6, Room#26, Nazia-Salma Conference Room). On April 3, 2019 he gave his lecture on “Economic CBA Concepts: Opportunity Cost, Welfare Impact, Willingness to Pay, Shadow price & Social Discount Rate” for the Senior level officer of the Ministry of Planning of the Government of Bangladesh
February 18, 2019: Dhaka
BDIX Trust Meeting held
Dr. A.K. Enamul Haque attended the meeting of the BDIX Trust, a national exchange for internet services in Bangladesh. The meeting dealt with trust matters related to operations of the BDIX. Professor Jamilur Reja Chowdhury, Vice Chancellor of the University of Asia Pacific presided the Board meeting. Dr. M Asaduzzaman, the General Secretary to the Trust presented an update of activities of the Trust.
January 31, 2019: Sylhet
Bangladesh Development Perspectives: Issues in Economic Justice and Morality
The Department of Economics of the Shahjalal University of Science and Technology organized a two-day conference from January 30 to January 31, 2019. Professor Wahiduddin Mahmud was the keynote speaker on the first day of the conference. Professor Syed Hasanuzzaman and Professor Abdul Munim Joardar were the organizers for theDepartment of Economics. Dr. Hussain Zillur Rahman, Dr. Mustafa Mujeri, Dr. Binayak Sen, Dr. Zahid H Khan, Dr. Ismail Hossain, and Dr. A K Enamul Haque were present in different sessions at the conference.
The conference papers were divided into four themes: theme 1 -Economics and Morality, theme 2 – Economic crime: Analysis and Impact, theme 3- Economics of Health and Education, theme 4 – Agricul, Environment, and Sustainable Development.
January 7, 2019: Ministry of Planning, Dhaka.
Lecture on Cost Benefit Analysis at NADA
Dr. A.K. Enamul Haque was invited at the newly established National Academy for Development Administration (NADA) to lecture in their 2-days training programme on โProject Appraisalโ for the Senior Officer (Jt. Secretary/Joint Chief or Higher Level) form 06-07 January 2019 at Bangladesh Planning Commission Campus (Building#6, Room#26, Nazia-Salma Conference Room). On January 7, 2019 he gave his lecture on “Economic CBA Concepts: Opportunity Cost, Welfare Impact, Willingness to Pay, Shadow price & Social Discount Rate” for the Senior level officer of the Ministry of Planning of the Government of Bangladesh
December 23, 2018
Workshop on Improved Access to Green Climate Fund
Transparency International Bangladesh (TIB) organized a capacity-building training workshop for stakeholders to monitor the implementation of climate change projects and to facilitate and advocate with project implementing organizations to comply with fiduciary, administrative, environmental, social and gender issues for ensuring enhanced access to national and international climate funds. In this 3-day workshop, TIB provided training to government and non-government stakeholders on the toolkit for developing projects for funding under GCF. Dr. A.K. Enamul Haque was invited to provide training on economic and financial analysis of the GCF projects including dealing with environmental, social and gender issues. Other resource persons were Dr. Fazle Rabbi Sadeque Ahmed (PKSF), Gulam Mohiuddin (TIB), M. Zakir Hossain Khan (TIB), Dr. Shaikh Tawhidul Islam (Jahangirnagar University), M. Mosleh Uddin (GCF) and Md. Mahfuzul Haque (TIB).
December 10, 2018: ICIMOD, Nepal
SANDEE Steering Committee Meeting
The Steering Committee Meeting of the SANDEE-ICIMOD program an initiative under the Mountain Knowlege Network (MKN) of ICIMOD was held at ICIMOD on 10 December 2018. Dr. David Molden, DG of the ICIMOD chaired the meeting. Dr. A.K. Enamul Haque (ACD/EWU), Dr. Jeff Vincent (Duke Univ), Dr. Subhrendu Patnayak (Duke Univ), Dr. E Somanathan (ISI, Delhi), and Dr. Philippus (Flip) Wester (ICIMOD) were present in the meeting. The meeting approved the program of SANDEE for 2019.
Consultation Meeting with Project Advisory Committee & Policy Experts
November 14, 2018
CUTS International organized a one-day consultation meeting on BBIN MVA and beyond with experts and stakeholders to discuss the motor vehicle agreement among Bangladesh, Bhutan, India, and Nepal. Dr. Atiur Rahman former Governor of the Bangladesh Bank, Dr. AK Enamul Haque, Dr. Nazneen Ahmed, and Mr. Monoj Kumar Roy former additional secretary of Bangladesh attended the conference.
Daily Asian Age newsclip Photolink
BIDS Research Almanac 2018
November 12, 2018: Lakeshore Hotel, Dhaka
Dr. A.K. Enamul Haque chaired the session on “Energy Use, Migration, and Household Welfare” at the BIDS Research Almanac 2018 at a local hotel in Dhaka. Dr. Nazneen Ahmed, Ms. Tahreen Tahrima Chowdhury and Ms. Kashfi Rayan (of BIDS) presented the papers in this session. Dr. Salma Begum (NSU) and Dr. Atonu Rabbani (Dhaka University) were the two designated discussant at the session. BIDS Research Almanac 2018 is an annual flagship event of BIDS where it shares the research findings to a wider academic community.
Seminar on the interface between Law and Economics
Sunday, November 4, 2016: East West University
Dr. A.K. Enamul Haque spoke on Law and Economics in the context of Bangladesh in the seminar organized by Department of Law of the East West University. Mr. Iqbal Khan Chowdhury, Chairman of the Bangladesh Competition Commission was the Chief Guest. Professor MM Shahidul Hasan, Vice Chancellor, EWU presided over the interdisciplinary seminar organized by the Department of Law. Dr. Fouzia Mannan, Dean of the Faculty of Arts and Social Sciences attend as the Chief Guest. Faculty members of the Department of Law and Economics and students of the departments of Law, and Economics attended this seminar.
Tuesday, October 16, 2018: Hallock Auditorium, Oberlin College, Ohio, USA
Dr. A.K. Enamul Haque: “A Story of Alienation โ Rivers, People & Water”

Global Issues Symposium 2018
Speaker: Dr. A. K. Enamul Haque
“A Story of Alienation โ Rivers, People & Water”
Dr. Haque is a Professor of Economics at East West University (Dhaka, Bangladesh), Director of Economic Research Group, Executive Director of Asian Center for Development, and a Member of the Steering Committee and the Advisory Committee of the South Asian Network for Development and Environmental Economics (SANDEE). He is an environmental economist with teaching, research, and popular articles on climate change, agriculture and urban issues in developing countries with a particular focus on South Asia in general and Bangladesh in particular. More on Dr. Haque here:
Sponsored by: International Studies Concentration through a generous donation from the Isenberg Family Charitable Foundation. Co-sponsors: Environmental Studies Program, Oberlin Shansi, Department of Economics
Monday, October 15, 2018: Oberlin, Ohio, USA
Global Issues Symposium 2018: Environmental Economics and Policy Perspectives from South Asia presented by speaker A. K. Enamul Haque, PhD. His talk is titled, “Green Economic Growth & the Economics of Climate Change Adaptation.”
Time: 12:00 pm to 1:00 pm
Place: Adam Joseph Lewis Center for Environmental Studies, 201. 122 Elm St., Oberlin, OH 44074
Dr. Haque is a professor of economics at East West University (Dhaka, Bangladesh); director of Economic Research Group; executive director of Asian Center for Development; and a member of the Steering Committee and the Advisory Committee of the South Asian Network for Development and Environmental Economics (SANDEE). He is an environmental economist with teaching, research, and popular articles on climate change, agriculture and urban issues in developing countries with a particular focus on South Asia in general and Bangladesh in particular. More on Dr. Haque at
Sponsored by the International Studies Concentration through a generous donation from the Isenberg Family Charitable Foundation
Cosponsors are the Environmental Studies Program, Oberlin Shansi, and the Department of Economics
September 9, 2018: Department of Forests, MoEFCC, Bangladesh
National Completion and Knowledge Sharing Workshop of the Mangrove for the Future
IUCN Bangladesh hosted the national workshop on knowledge sharing of the Mangrove for the future (MFF) at the Auditorium in the Ban Bhaban. Nearly 15 different NGO who participated at the MFF project attended the workshop. Asian Center for Development which was part of the knowledge hub of the project also attended the workshop. Mr. Hshad Mahabub Chowdhury, National Coordinator – Bangladesh of the MFF, presented the activities of the project. Dr. Kasi Anowarul Haque, Chief Coordinator of the NDA’s secretariat to GCF, Dr. Sultan Ahmed, DG, DOE, Bangladesh; Mr Abdullah Al Mohsin Chowdhury, Secretary, MOEFCC, Mr. Mohammed Shafuul Alam Chowdhury, CCF, Mr. Raquibul Amin, CR, IUCN Bangladesh, Mr. Ishtiaq Ahmad, former CR of IUCN Bangladesh, Dr. Mokhlesur Rahman, ED of CNRS, Mr. Francis Atul Sarker, ED of Caritas – Bangladesh, Dr. A.K. Enamul Haque Professor of Economics of EWU and ED of ACD and many other attended the day-long workshop. Dr. Haque presented his talk on Evidence-Based Advocacy in the last session
August 30, 2018: Dhaka, Bangladesh
CPD Seminar on Transformation in the RMG Sector in Post-Rana Plaza Period Findings from CPD Survey
Dr. A.K. Enamul Haque attended the CPD’s day-long seminar on RMG sector of Bangladesh – post-Rana Plaza experiences as a panel speaker in the session on “Bangladeshโs RMG Sector After Double Graduation: Exploring Policy, Operation, and Research related Issues”. Other speakers in the panel were Dr. Rodney Reviere, GIZ Bangladesh; Mr. Jeroen Steeghs, Deputy Head of Mission, Royal Netherlands Embassy; and Mr. Anders รhrstrรถm, Deputy Head of Mission, Embassy of Sweden; CPD’s Executive Director Dr. Fahmida Khatun Chaired the session.
August 16, 2018: The Independent TV, Bangladesh
TV discussion on traveling abroad for higher studies ( เฆถเฆฟเฆเงเฆทเฆพเฆฐ เฆฏเฆพเฆคเงเฆฐเฆพ)
In 2016, nearly 60,000 students from Bangladesh traveled to foreign countries to enroll into foreign universities in US, UK, Canada, Malaysia, India, China, Japan and other countries. The number is growing every year. In most cases, it is their parents to finance their tuition and stay in the foreign land draining billions of dollars out of Bangladesh. Against this backdrop, the Independent TV channel in Bangladesh telecasted a discussion with Professor A Mannan, Chair of UGC, Bangladesh, Professor (Dr) Nazmul Hasan Kalimullah, VC of Begum Rokeya University and Professor (Dr) A.K. Enamul Haque in its Ajker Bangladesh [live] program from 10-11pm.
August 8, 2018: Royal Park Residences, Dhaka
CUTS Dialogue (Track 1.5) on river connectivity between Bangladesh and India
CUTS International organized a one-day dialogue in Dhaka on developing river-route based connectivity with small and mechanised boat. Mr. Sishir Kothari, Commercial Representative of the Indian High Commission in Dhaka, M. Mozammel Haque, Chairman of BIWTA, Dr. Atiur Rahman, Chairman, Unnayan Shamannay, Bipul Chatterjee, Executive Director of CUTS International and Head of CITEE, Dr. A.K. Enamul Haque were among many stakeholders who participated in the dialogue and identified changes needed in the Bangladesh-India protocol on river transportation for this to happen. Speakers thought this would be a golden opportunity for both countries to promote environmentally friendly and least costly transportation system between the two neighboring countries.
July 19-20, 2018: Ubud, Bali, Indonesia
Judging at the Asian Marketing Federation
Professor Syed Ferhat Anwar and Dr. A.K. Enamul Haque attended the Jury Board of the Asian Marketing Federation in Ubud, Bali, Indonesia to select the winners of the Best Asian Marketer 3.0 and the Best Marketing Company of the Year in Asia; and the Best Youth (Y), Woman (W) and Netizen (N) Marketer in Asia for 2017. Professor Anwar is the Chairman of the Jury Board for the first group and Ms. Gwen Albarracin (President of the Philippines Marketing Association and the current President of the Asian Marketing Federation) was the Chair of the YWN Jury Board. Ubud houses the only Museum of Marketing 3.0 in the World.
March 29, 2018: CIRDAP Auditorium, Dhaka
Seminar on Role of Bangladesh Competition Commission
Dr A.K. Enamul Haque attended the seminar on the “Role of Bangladesh Competition Commission to promote competition in the market in Bangladesh” as a discussant. Minister for Commerce Tofael Ahmed attended the seminar as the Chief Guest. The seminar was attended by the Secretary, Ministry of Commerce, Chairman and Members of the Bangladesh Competition Commission and senior officers of the government.
November 9-11, 2017: Jaipur, Rajasthan, India
5th Biennial Conference on Competition, Regulation and Development
CUTS-CIRC 5th Biennial Conference on Competition, Regulation and Development to be held on 09-11 November 2017 in Jaipur. Distinguished speakers from Australia, Africa, Europe and Asia participated in the meeting, Dr. Haque was invited to speak in a panel on Digital Payments: Innovation in Regulation to Manage Disruption. Dr. Atiur Rahman, Former Governor, Bangladesh Bank chaired the session. Other panelists were Amol Kulkarni, Fellow, CUTS International; Ravinder S. Aurora, Executive Director, Mastercard; Kailas Karthikeyan, Policy Consultant, Gestalt Consulting; Sanjay Khan Nagra, Senior Associate, Khaitan & Co.; Sumita Kale, Research lead, Indicus Centre for Financial Inclusion; Srikanth Lakshmanan, Founder, Cashless Consumer; David Ongโolo, Chairman, Competition Authority of Kenya; and Ashish Aggarwal, Consultant, National Institute of Public Finance and Policy.
October 15, 2017: Dhaka
Roundtable Discussion on Advancing BBIN Sub-Regional Cooperation
Dr. A.K. Enamul Haque was invited to speak on Energy and Water Resource Management issues in the Roundtable Discussion on “Advancing Bangladesh-Bhutan-India-Nepal (BBIN) sub-regional cooperation” in a two-day meeting organized by the Delhi Policy Group (DPG) in Dhaka today. The meeting was attended by a close group of experts. Indian High Commissioner to Bangladesh H E Harsh Vardhan Shringla and Dr. Mashiur Rahman, Special Advisor to the Prime Minister spoke in the round-table as special guest.
September 30, 2017: Dhaka
ERG AGM and the Governing Body Meeting
The Annual General Meeting of the Economic Research Group was held at the ERG Conference Room today with Professor Wahiduddin Mahmud in the Chair. Others present at the meeting were Dr. Sajjad Zohir, Executive Director, Dr Helaluddin (Treasurer), Dr Ainun Nishat, Dr A.K. Enamul Haque, Dr Minhaj Mahmud and Dr Atonu Rabbani.

September 23, 2017: Corporate Hotel and Convention Center Resort, Ulaanbaatar, Mongolia
Introductory CBA course for Ministry of Finance of the Government of Mongolia
Dr A.K. Enamul Haque taught a short course on Cost Benefit Analysis for the staff members of the Ministry of Finance of the Government of Mongolia. In the daylong course he introduced the techniques of doing CBA for decision making to select investment projects for the Government of Mongolia. DG Ministry of Finance was present at the meeting.
July 14-16, 2017: Nascent Gardenia, Dhaka
SPIMS Training program on Cost Benefit Analysis with LFA
Max van der Sleen (Netherlands), Ichiro Ocumura (Japan) and A.K. Enamul Haque (Bangladesh) taught a 3-day TOT for the Planning Commission of the Bangladesh on how to do Cost Benefit Analysis with Logical Framework Analysis. The training is funded by JICA for developing skills within the Ministry of Planning on project design, implementation and evaluation.

July 14, 2017: Hotel Greenwich Village, Kathmandu, Nepal
Ganga Basin Policy Dialogue on “Expanding tradable benefits of trans-boundary water: Promoting navigational usage of Inland Waterways among BBIN countries”
CUTS International, along with its country strategic partners as a part of implementing a project titled โExpanding tradable benefits of trans-boundary water: Promoting navigational usage of inland waterways in Ganga and Brahmaputra basinsโ to contribute to improving institutions for inland waterways governance with particular emphasis on transport connectivity and livelihood in the Bangladesh, Bhutan, India and Nepal (BBIN) region has arranged Dialogue to present findings from the country-specific diagnostic studies conducted in Ganga Basin (Bangladesh, India and Nepal) and to promote alternative policy discourses for bringing in the upper and lower riparian (including trans-boundary) concerns. Dr. A.K. Enamul Haque, Commodore Mozammel Haque (Chair, BIWTA), Mr. Shashi Bhusan Shukla (Secretary, IWAI) were among the discussants in the meeting. Unnayan Shamannay, SWATEE, CUTS International, Ministry of Inland Water Authorities of Bangladesh and India, were present at the discussion.

May 30-31, 2017: Kolkata, West Bengal, India
Meeting of Bangladesh-India Joint Consultation on Sustainable Development of Navigation and Fisheries Resources
The second Bangladesh-India joint consultation meetiong on sustainable development of navigation and fisheries resources was held at the Moulana Abul Kalam Azad Institute of Asian Studies (MAKAIAS) in Kolkata. Researchers, NGOs, and Private sector participants discussed possible options to promote inland water navigation and fisheries resource management. Participants agreed that there exists tremendous opportunities for promotion of cultural and nature based tourism using rivers between Bangladesh and India (from Assam to Kolkata) and that the future of navigation is much bigger that currently thought by many. This is because as the economies are becoming bigger and bigger the demand for bulk transportation will increase and for this there no better and sustainable strategy than using inland water.

May 21, 2017: Guwahati, Assam, India
NEMCARE Super Hospital Opened in Guwahati, Assam, India
Dr A.K. Enamul Haque was invited as a Guest of Honor at the inaugural function of the NEMCARE Hearth Institute and Research Centre in Guwahati, India. The State Minister for Health and Family Welfare, Finance, Education, Forest , and Planning & Development Dr. Himanata Biswa Sarma inaugurated the hospital – a super hospital in Guwahati. The hospital has excellent services for dealing with heart patients, cancer patients and other health related issues.
April 28, 2017: Nascent Gardenia, Dhaka
SPIMS Training program on Cost Benefit Analysis
Programming Division of the Planning Commission organised a 5-day training program on protect design with support from JICA. Officers of the Ministry of Planning and from planning cells in line ministry participated in the training program. Max van der Sleen, Ryuji Kasahara, Mami Sato, Ichiro Ocumura and A.K. Enamul Haque were the resource persons at the training. The training covered designing LFA for a project with cost Benefit Analysis. The five day course began on today and will end on 6th May.
April 18, 2017: Bangladesh Bureau of Statistics, Dhaka
Discussion on developing Bangladesh Framework for Development of Environment Statistics (BFDES)
Dr A.K. Enamul Haque led the discussion in Session 5 of the Workshop with key stakeholders of developing the Framework for Development of Environment Statistics at the Bangladesh Bureau of Statistics. The session was on “Environmental Conditions and Quality: Physical Conditions, Land Cover, Ecosystems and Biodiversity”. Focal points from various agencies were engaged to develop the indicators for it. The session was sponsored by the Environment Statistics Cell of the BBS. The session was conducted to finalize the BFDES based on UNSTAT guidelines, availability of data and relevance in the context of Bangladesh. It is to be noted that Dr Haque was involved in developing the first BFDES and the Bangladesh Enviornmental Compendium in 1997 for the Bureau of Statistics.
April 11, 2017: BIMSTEC Secretariat, Dhaka, Bangladesh
Roundtable on Facilitating Connectivity in the Bay of Bengal Region
Dr A.K. Enamul Haque was invited to chair a session in this roundtable discussion organized by BIMSTEC Secretariat and CUTS International. The session was on Integrating Land Corridors with other modes of Connectivity in Bay of Bengal Region. Panel speakers in the session were: Samitha Mohan Perera, Vice President, Far Shipping Agency Lanka (Pvt) Ltd.; Syed Monowar Hussain, Former Director, Bangladesh Inland Water Transport Authority; Admiral Dr Jayantha Colombage, Director centre for Indo Lanka Initiatives, Pathfinder Foundation; and Sudip Dey, Secretary, Calcutta Customs House Agent Association, India.
The session highlighted the need to integrate land connectivity with sea and river transportation in order to make the border trade of goods and services more efficient between BIMSTEC countries. Speakers also suggested easing of visa rules and introduction of river-basin based cross-border tourism in order to make it more people friendly.
April 11, 2017 – Center on Budget and Policy, Dhaka University
Lecture on Environmental Valuation and Ecosystem Services
Dr. A.K. Enamul Haque gave a lecture on Environmental Valuation in Project Analysis and Valuation of Ecosystem Services at the FAO sponsored training program on Financial and Economic Analysis of Projects for Government Officers from the Ministry of Environment and Forests of the Government of Bangladesh. The program is organized by the Centre on Budget and Policy of the Department of Development Studies of Dhaka University.
March 27-31, 2017 – Club Himalayan Resort, Nagorkot, Nepal
SANDEE Winter School in Research Methods for Environment and Resource Economists
Dr. A.K. Enamul Haque attended the Winter School in Research Methods training program for Resource and Environmental Economists from South Asian Countries (Bangladesh, Sri Lanka, , India, Pakistan and Bhutan) as a resource person. In this regular winter school organized by SANDEE, researchers presented their research findings and learned about research methods and report writing skills. Dr. E Somanathan (SANDEE, Executive Director), Dr. Mani Nepal (Sr Environmental Economist, SANDEE), Dr Pranab Mukhapadhya (Goa University), and Dr Heman Lohano (IBA, Karachi University) were also present as resource persons. SANDEE researchers Dr. Amalendu Jyotishi (India), Shamen Prabhath Vidanage (Sri Lanka), Manjula Menon (India), Dr. Adiqa Kauser Kiani (Pakistan), Sariful Islam (Bangladesh), Tsering Thinley (Bhutan), Dr. Sajid Amin Javed (Pakistan), and Dr Upasana Sarma (India) attended the workshop and presented their research findings.
March 21, 2017: National Academy for Planning and Development, Dhaka
Lecture on Overview of Bangladesh Economy
Dr. A.K. Enamul Haque gave a public lecture to the Diploma in Development Economics students of the NAPD at 6:15pm. The lecture was part of their curriculum on Development Economics and Dr Haque provided a brief overview of Bangladesh Economy – its prospects for the future.
January 11, 2017 – Jamuna Conference Hall, the World Bank Office, Dhaka
Dr A.K. Enamul Haque attended a Stakeholder Consultation Meeting on Brahmaputra Basin
Dr. Haque attended a one-day stakeholder consultation meeting at the Dhaka Office of the World Bank. The meeting was iniitiated jointly by South Asian Water Initiative (SAWI) and the World Bank in the Dhaka office. EIMS and RIVERSIDE faciliateted the consultation where the stakeholders provided input in designing a Brahmaputra Basin water model for understanding impacts.
Dec 12, 2016 – Hotel Himalaya, Kathmandu, Nepal
Dr A.K. Enamul Haque elected to the SANDEE Management Committee
Sir Partha Dasgupta, Dr. A.K. Enamul Haque and Dr. Priya Shaysundar are elected as members of the Management and Advisory Committee (MAC) of SANDEE for a period of 3 years from January 2017. Dr Haque replaced Syeda Rizwana Hasan of BELA whose term ended after a 6 year period in the MAC of SANDEE. The new Committee also elected Sir Partha Dasgupta as the next President of MAC of SANDEE. The new MAC of SANDEE consists of Sir Partha Dasgupta (Chair), David Molden (DG, ICIMOD), Dr. Adil Najam (Purdue Univ), Dr. E Somanathan (Exec Director, SANDEE), Dr. Priya Shaysundar (Washington), Dr. A.K. Enamul Haque (EWU, Bangladesh), Dr. Bhim Adhikari (IDRC, Canada), and Dr. AnnaKarin Norling (SIDA, Bangkok)
SANDEE is a regional network of Environmental Economists which was established by Sir Partha Dasgupta and Professor Karl Goran Malor in 1999. Dr. Priya Shaymsundar was its first Executive Director. Its main goal is to build the professional skills required to enable South Asians to address local and global environmental concerns. SANDEE works in seven countries in South Asia โ Bangladesh, Bhutan, India, Maldives, Nepal, Pakistan and Sri Lanka. SANDEE is currently hosted by the International Centre for Integrated Mountain Development (ICIMOD), Kathmandu, Nepal and was previously based at IUCN-the World Conservation Union, Nepal.
July 29, Hotel Metropolitan, New Delhi
Sustainable Development in South Asia: Exploring Transboundary Cooperation in Agriculture, Energy and Water – workshop by CUTS
Dr A.K.Enamul Haque was invited by CUTS International to attend a one-day workshop as a panel speaker in their workshop on Transboundary Cooperation in Agricultura, Energy and Water issues between BBIN (Bangladesh, Bhutan, India and Nepal) countries. The following individuals were in the panels
Agriculture Issues
R K Singh, Executive Director, Nand Educational Foundation for Rural
Development, Lucknow, Binai Lama, Senior Advisor, SNV (Netherlands Development Organisation), Bhutan; Usman Mustafa, Professor/Head, Department of Business Studies, Pakistan Institute of Development Economics, Pakistan
Water Issues
Archana Chatterjee, National Coordinator, International Union for Conservation of Nature, New Delhi; Mandakini Surie, Senior Program Officer, The Asia Foundation
Dhrubesh Chandra Regmi, Programme Director, South Asia Watch on Trade, Economics and Environment, Nepal; Dr. Enamul Haque, Professor, East West University, Bangladesh
Energy Issues
Mahendra P Lama, Pro Vice Chancellor, Indira Gandhi National Open
University; Mollah Amzad Hossain, Editor, Energy & Power, Bangladesh;
Sucha Singh Gill, Professor, South Asia, Centre for Research in Rural and Industrial Development, Chandigarh; Barun Barpujari, Former Executive Director, Digboi Refinery, Assam
Mentoring PhD Students at AMRITA School of Business
June 6-14, 2016, Amrita Business School, Coimbatore, TN, India
Dr. A.K Enamul Haque visited the Amrita School of Business at the Amrita University, Ettimedai, Coimbatore, TN, India to mentor PhD students in the School of Business. He was there from 6-14 June, 2016. During the trip Dr. Haque also met Dr. Janat Sathaye of the University of California at Berkeley. He is one of the lead contributor to the IPCC Report which was awarded the Nobel Peace Prize in 2007. Dr. Sataye is aldo the Found of the International Energy Studies Group and a Senior Scientist and Stategic Advisor of the Lawrence Barkeley National Laboratory.
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SANDEE- Summer School in Environmental and Natural Resource Economics
9 – 26 May, 2015, AIT CC, Thailand
Professor A.K. Enamul Haque is currently in AIT, Bangkok to teach at the Summer School of SANDEE. SANDEE Summer school is a three-week course on Environmental and Natural Resource Economics that covers issues in natural resource management, environmental economics, sustainable development, and climate change. The natural resource management module focuses on renewable resources, such as fisheries, forestry, and nonrenewable resources. Environmental economics module covers issues such as externalities and market failures, non market valuation of environmental goods and environmental damage assessment, energy and climate change, sustainability and green accounting, common property resources and institutions. Participants are exposed to theoretical issues and economic tools for analyzing environmental and resource problems in developing countries. Modules The course is divided into six different modules.
Module one is a review of optimization (static and dynamic) and mathematical tools (differential and integral calculus) that are frequently used in resource and environmental economics.
Module two is on natural resource economics (non-renewable, fisheries and forestry).
Module three will cover special topics in environmental economics, such as, welfare measurement and inclusive national accounts, externalities, property rights and institutions, common property resources, and fertility behavior and gender.
Module four will cover panel data econometrics, causal inferences in energy and environmental economics, and the economics of climate change.
Module five will focus on non-market valuation techniques for valuing environmental goods and services.
Module six will cover empirical environmental economics with hand-on training on statistical software STATA that will be used for doing different assignments, for doing empirical paper presentation and research.
During the workshop, participants are expected to develop a research concept note and present at the end of the course. Last two days of the summer school are exclusively devoted to research concept notes presentation by the participants. In addition, researchers will review and present various empirical papers intermittently throughout the workshop. From these sessions, participants will learn how to do empirical research on their own.
Mani Nepal (Senior Environmental Economist at SANDEE) is the Course Director and Anuradha Kafle (Researchand Communication officer at SANDEE) is the Course Co-Ordinator.
Core teaching faculty for the course includes Prof. Maximilian Auffhammer (UC Berkeley, USA), Prof. Sir Partha Dasgupta (U of Cambridge, UK), Prof. A.K.Enamul Haque (East West University, Bangladesh), Dr. Mani Nepal (SANDEE), Prof. E. Somanathan (SANDEE & ISI, Delhi), and Prof. Jeff R.Vincent (Duke University, USA).
March 29, 2016: BICC, Dhaka, Bangladesh
Panelist at the TI, Bangladesh’s Conference on Climate Adaptation Finance
Dr. A.K. Enamul Haque attended the Transparency International, Bangladesh’s Global Conference on Climate Adaptation Finance held in Dhaka on March 29, 2016. He was one of the Panelist on Climate Adaptation Finance – Challenges for Developing Countries. The panel discussion was chaired by Dr. Atiq Rahman, BCAS; Other panelists include Dr Mizan R Khan (NSU) and Dr. Bjoern Surborg of GIZ, Dhaka.

March 27, 2016: NBR Auditorium Dhaka
Meeting with NBR Chief on the Coming National Budget
Dr. A.K. Enamul Haque attended the meeting held by the Chief of the National Board of Revenue with Eminent Economists on the national budget formulation. The meeting was Chaired by the Chairman of NBR, Mr. Md. Nojibur Rahman. Professor Wahiduddin Mahmud, Chairman, Economic Research Group was the Chief Guest at the meet. Mr. Motlub Ahmed, President FBCCI was the Special Guest. Dr. Nazneed Ahmed, Dr. Md. Yunus, Dr. Helal Uddin, Dr. Zaidi Sattar were among the economists who also attended the meeting and advised NBR on priorities of the next budget of the Government of Bangladesh.

March 17, 2016: Shah Alam, Selangor, Malaysia
Public Lecture at UNISEL, Malaysia
Dr. A.K. Enamul Haque was invited by the Professorial Council of the Universiti Selangor, Malaysia to give a lecture on “21st Century Education – the New Normal”.
August 18, 2015: Dhaka
Seminar on Valuing Mangrove, Hill Forest and Wetland Ecosystem Services
Dr. A.K. Enamul Haque and Muntasir Chaudhury presented a paper on Valuing Ecosystem Services of Hill Forest, Wetland and Mangroves in Bangladesh. The seminar was attended by experts in the area and it was part of the process for updating the National Biodiversity Strategy Action Plan document (NBSAP). Mr Mohammed Solaiman Haider of the Ministry of Environment and Forests was also present and suggested that this document is needed to continue to fulfill Bangladesh’s commitment to Aichi biodiversity targets.
June 21-26 2015: Trashigang, Bhutan
Review of the curriculum on Master in Social Policy and Research at Sherubtse College
Dr. A.K. Enamul Haque visited the Sherutse College in Trashigang, Bhutan to review their Master’s degree syllabus on Social Policy and Research. Sherubtse College is the oldest college in Bhutan under the newly formed Royal University of Bhutan. During his visit, Dr. Haque met with the Director of the College Mr. Tshering Wangdi, Dr. Sonam Tobgay, Dean of Academic Affairs, Mr. Tshotsho Kencho, Head of Economics, Mr Jamyang Choda, Chair of the School of Social Science and other faculty members.
A Team of RUB faculty member visited Bangladesh in 2014 and met Dr. Haque to develop a new curriculum for thier Master degree in Research. Dr. Haque along with Dr. Niaz Khan (DU), Dr. Amir Hossain (JU) and Dr. Bijoy Barua (EWU) developed the syllabus for them. Sherubtse College plans to enroll students into this program from 2016.

June 10, 2015: Dhaka, Bangladesh
Speaker visited the Budget Information Help Desk at the Parliament
Unnayan Shamannay (US) managed the Budget Information Help Desk at the Parliament during the Budget session of the Parliament. The objective of the help desk is to assist the Members of the Parliament with relevant and necessary information so that the Budget session of the Parliament becomes more useful and informative. Hon’ble Speaker Dr. Shirin Sharmin Chaudhury MP and Hon’ble Deputy Speaker Advocate Md. Fazle Rabbi Miah MP also visited the Help Desk and encourage the US team for their assistance. Dr. A.K. Enamul Haque led the research team of Unnayan Shamannay.
May 24-28, 2015: BRAC Center for Development Management, Savar, Dhaka
Dr. A.K. Enamul Haque attended the ACD-SANDEE Research and Writing Workshop in Environmental and Resource Economics as a Resource Person. The 5 day-workshop began in Dhaka on 24 May 2015 with participants from Bangladesh, India, and Maldives. University teachers and researchers as a platform to learn how to develop a good research proposal. Other resource persons in the workshop are Dr. Mani Nepal, Dr. Heman Lohano from SANDEE, Dr. Saudamini Das from IEG, Delhi and Dr. Atonu Rabbani, Dhaka University.

May 12, 2015: BDIX Trust Meeting
Dr. A.K. Enamul Haque attended the first Trustee Board meeting of the Bangladesh Internet Exchange (BDIX) Trust at the Firoz Tower on Pathapath, Dhaka today. BDIX is a non-profit trust which interlinks domestic internet traffic in Bangladesh. The Trust is Chaired by Professor Jamilur Reza Chowdhury, Vice Chancellor of the University of Asia Pacific, a private university in Dhaka. Other members of the Trust are Dr M Asaduzzaman, Mr. Qamar Munir, Mr. Sumon Ahmed Sabir, Mr. Mohd. Zulfiquar Hafiz, and Mr. Farid Mohammad Rashed Amin (Biddut).

May 6, 2015: BRAC Institute of Governance and Development (BIGD), BRAC University
Dr. A.K. Enamul Haque gave a lecture to visiting students from University of Ottawa at the BRAC Institute of Governance and Development on a) Field Research Methodology and b) Climate Change and Environment: Challenges of Bangladesh.

April 19 and 22, 2015
Dr A. K. Enamul Haque gave lectures on Logical Framework Analysis as a tool for designing Development Projects to Officers of the Government of Bangladesh at the Academy for Planning and Development in their week-long course on Strategic Tools for Designing Projects.
April 3, 2015
Dr. A.K. Enamul Haque is elected as the Vice President of the Utsho Bangladesh, an NGO working that promotes education for street children in Dhaka. Prior to this, he was also the Chair of the Finance Committee of the organization.
March 30, 2015
Dr. A.K. Enamul Haque attended the meeting of the Executive Committee of Shamunnay, a social and public policy research think tank of Unnanayan Shamannay, an NGO in Dhaka.
Feb 28, 2015
Dr. A.K. Enamul Haque attended the Governing Body meeting of the Economic Research Group, Dhaka – a private think tank for the promotion of research on economic policies.