Major Professional Associations

  1. Chief Advisor, Bangladesh Brand Forum
  2. Board Member, Asian Marketing Federation (representing Bangladesh)
  3. President, Marketing Society Bangladesh
  4. Executive Committee Member. Bangladesh Marketing and Social Research Forum
  5. Member, Executive Committee. Institute of Management Consultants of Bangladesh
  6. Advisor, BGMEA Board
  7. Independent Board Member of Singer (BD) Ltd.
  8. Board Member of Moddhopara Hard Rock Mining Company under Petrobangla


PM Trust Evaluation Survey

2021 Open Access Climate Change and Community Resilience Insights from South Asia Editors: Haque, A.K.E., Mukhopadhyay, P., Nepal, M., Rumi Shammin, M. (Eds.) The narrative style of writing in this volume makes it accessible to a diverse audience from academics and researchers to practitioners in various governmental, non-governmental and international agencies. Book Link

Green Sylhet Award 2019

Sylhet Office